Saturday, August 18, 2007

DTOs are a necessary devil in building SOA enterprise applications

Bringing up the topic of Data Transfer Objects (DTOs), many people's first thought would probably be that it was a reminiscence of the old Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) 2.0.

Hibernate, JDO and JPA have made it possible to eliminate DTOs from web applications. However, DTOs are a necessary devil when building an enterprise application, especially in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).

For each service or component, the underneath domain model that provides the service should be encapsulated and not leaked beyond the boundary of the service's interfaces.

It is often said that the interfaces are the contracts between the client and the provider of the services. However, many new Java developers think that only the interface classes and their method names are the contract without realising that any objects passed in and out of these operations are also part of the contract, such as method parameters, return values and thrown exceptions. And the contractual binding is transitive by reachability, that is, all classes directly or indirectly referenced by these parameters, return values and exceptions are all part of the contract. Therefore, if domain models are passed in and out of any operation defined in the service interfaces, they are leaked, making service clients susceptible to any changes in the domain models, which are the implementation details that are supposed to be encapsulated.

For a web application, this is probably not a big deal, as the presentation tier is typically closely coupled to the service and persistence tiers. However, for any enterprise applications in a Service-Oriented Architecture, the change of interfaces can have a ripple effect.

In order to achieve the encapsulation, DTOs are used as the parameters, returned values and exceptions in operations defined in the interfaces to isolate domain models from the outside world. For this reason, it is not hard to imagine that DTOs are ubiquitous in a SOA world.

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